
A Leading Recruitment Provider Where Talent Meets Opportunity.

who we are

We provide top-tier recruitment solutions to help businesses achieve their full potential. Our team connects you with highly qualified professionals in healthcare and real estate who efficiently handle a wide range of roles, reducing costs and boosting productivity.

Our Mission

Delegreat challenges traditional staffing by offering direct access to exceptional talent. Our mission is to support your business growth with effective and fair recruitment solutions.

Our Vision

To change the staffing industry for the better, creating a place where businesses and top talent can succeed together without unnecessary costs.

Our Values

  • Excellence: Top-quality service and support.
  • Commitment: Dedicated to meeting our clients' needs.
  • Efficiency: Streamlined processes for maximum productivity.
  • Customer Focus: Understanding and exceeding client expectations.
  • Accountability: Taking responsibility for our actions and results.

Trusted By Professionals From

One stop solution for all your HR needs

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Nulla Lorem mollit cupidatat irure. Laborum magna nulla duis ullamco cillum dolor. Voluptate exercitation incididunt aliquip deserunt reprehenderit elit laborum.
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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo…

And so much more...

Functional Expertise
Nulla orem mollit cupidatat irureuptate exercitation incididunt.
Integrity & Innovations
Donec finibus, urna bibendum ultricies laoreet, augue eros luctus sapien.
Performance Driven
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed cursus venenatis tellus
Advanced Technology
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed cursus venenatis tellus
Medical Insurance
Sed cursus venenatis tellus, non lobortis diam
Health Reimbursements
Donec finibus, urna bibendum ultricies laoreet, augue eros luctus sapien.

Effortless Virtual Staffing for Maximum Efficiency

our process
We can help you with picking out the best people for your company.


Discuss your needs to identify the ideal candidate profile for your healthcare or real estate business.


Review and choose from a curated list of highly qualified candidates.


Seamless integration and comprehensive training for your new employee to ensure they hit the ground running.

Ongoing Support

Continuous performance monitoring with easy management and support, ensuring long-term satisfaction.

customer reviews

Why choose DeleGreat

our advantage
Experience Excellence. Unlock Your Potential with Our Premier Recruitment Solutions. Achieve More with DeleGreat.
Project Success


Save money with our affordable recruitment solutions. No hidden fees or ongoing charges.


Free up valuable time to focus on your core business activities while we handle the hiring process.


Adaptable staffing options tailored to your requirements.

Qualified Talent

Access a pool of highly skilled and pre-screened professionals in healthcare and real estate.

Seamless Integration

Quick and smooth onboarding process to ensure your new hires are ready to contribute from day one.

Extensive Reach

We post your job openings on thousands of job boards simultaneously to attract top talent.

24/7 Support

Ongoing assistance and performance monitoring to ensure long-term success.

Read the latest from our account experts

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Let’s explore some of the latest trends and strategies.